Hi Awesome Wind Energy Professionals / Mangers / Team Leaders,
Welcome to RECONNECT.
We personally thank all the people who participated in RECONNECT Meetup on Jan 24, Feb 24 and Mar 24.
Congratulations to all of them for creating their Personal Goals, Professional Goals, Health Goals, Relationship Goals. We are confident that all the templates shared with you helped you in this process.
To start with RECONNECT meetup focus and help wind energy professionals to build and live sustainable life and helping to achieve Sustainable Career Growth in Renewable Energy Sector, specially in Wind Energy Sector.
3 Outcomes from RECONNECT Meeting
6 Step Process followed in RECONNECT Meeting
Complete This Introduction Video Before Registering for The Session
The 4th Editions of RECONNECT Meetup scheduled on 26 Apr 24 - 7.20pm
Let us meet and create successful, sustainable career growth for you, build sustainable development in your life.
Let us invite all the committed wind energy professionals Join RECONNECT Zoom meeting as per the schedule and create the life, career growth you want.
Please note it's ONLY FOR COMMITTED WIND ENERGY PROFESSIONALS - others can skip this
Link to Register and Join (FREE) https://learn.mahetechacademy.com/l/048acfa7e3
After registration you will get free access to our Wind Energy professionals community (Who already part of RECONNECT)
Whenever you want to login, check meeting details and chat use following link https://learn.mahetechacademy.com/web/login
And login using your registered email id or mobile number.
Welcome on board.

You can access Mahe Tech Academy Mobile app and get latest update about the programs
Free Mobile APP access to you (Android)
Share with wind energy professionals who really need support and committed.
For Your Sustainable Development Journey,
R. Mahendran